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Wednesday 4 January 2012

CSC Laest paper


Round 1. Aptitude Test
Round 2. Technical Written
Round 3. Group Discussion/JAM
Round 4. Technical HR 


1)There are 3 piles of books on the table you need to arrange them in the self such that 1st book of each pile gets placed on the self,what is the possible no of arrangements:
a)12! b)12C3 * 9C4 c)12^12 d)none

2)Price of a book increases 15% successively (2times) what is the new price of the book more compared to that of the old price:
a)32.25% b)23.34% c)36% d)39% 
Initial=100 (say) 
1st increment=15 
2nd=115*0.15= 17.25 

3)There are 3 mixtures when mixed in the ratio of 3:4:5 price was 240.When mixed with 6:4:9 price was 340.what's the price when mixed in 5:6:8 ration price is_________
the mixtures are x, y and z
3x + 4y + 5z = 240
6x + 4y + 9z = 340
eliminate y
3x + 4z = 100
3x = 100 - 4z
3x = 4*25 - 4z
assuming x, y and z are integers, x must be divisible by 4
let x = 4A where A is an integer
3*4A = 4*25 - 4z
3A = 25 - z
25 - z must be divisible by 3, possible values for z are
1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22
6x + 4y + 9z = 340
3x + 4y + 5z = 240
multiply by 2
6x + 8y + 10z = 480
eliminate x
4y + z = 140
z = 140 - 4y
z = 4*35 - 4y
z must be divisible by 4, thus
z = 4 or 16
possible solutions for (x,y,z) are
(28,34,4) and (12,31,16)
 with a ratio of 5:6:8,
5*28 + 6*34 + 8*4 = 376
5*12 + 6*31 + 8*16 = 374

4)One question based on Venn Diagram.75 total no of students.25 don't know typing,50 know shorthand.then question were based on find no of students dont knwing both etc.
your answer is zero, 75-25 know tiping remain 50 that know shortland so 50-50 is zero

5)One person has 2 child.At least one of them was a girl.Then the Probability that 2 of the are girl is_____
a)1/2 b)1/4 c)0.36 d)1
Prob of a boy is 1/2 and girl is 1/2 
according to ques. atleast one child is girl and other is also girl so 
Prob = 1 * 1/2 = 1/2 

6)Swati when get married to jayanta her age was 3/4 th of her husband's age.After 12 years her age became 5/6 th of her husband's age.Then what's the age of swati when she got married??
X=3/4 y, x+12 = 5/6 (y+12), x=18, y=24, so Swati is 18 years old. 

then what's the value of y???
For the condition that
(3x+y) > (11x - y), 
we have
2y > 8x
y > 4x
Under this condition,
y = 3x + y
0 = 3x
0 = x and y > 0
 For the opposite condition
(3x + y) < (11x - y)
y < 4x
y = 11x - y
2y = 11x
y = (11/2)x
 Using this value for y in the relation with x, we have
(11/2)x < 4x
(3/2)x < 0
x < 0
 When x = 0, the value of y is any non-negative number
When x < 0, the value of y is (11/2)x.

8)some passages were there based on illegal drugs smuggling and based on this some questions.

9)Some Analogy Questions: some i do remeber like SYCOPHANTIC: FLATTER SILENT: QUIET others i dont remember.

10)if f(x,0)=x+1
 then find f(1,1),f(2,3),f(3,0) etc and some relations based on this very easy 
f(1,0)=2 (because f(x,0)=x+1) 
f(3,0)=4 ..........................(2) because f(x,0)=x+1. 
because given function depends upon value of x only does not depends upon y wheather it is 0 or something 1 an 3 in f(1,1) and f(2,3)... 
so answer for f(1,1) will be 2 and f(2,3) will be 3...

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