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Friday 6 January 2012

Mindtree Placement Paper July 2011

Mindtree Placement Paper July 2011 :-

1. Counter and three states were given( 13 , 15 , 14 , 10 ) what will be the next value ?

ans. 11 – Gray counter

2. For one circuit inputs are ABCD and output is zero for first eight inputs and 1 for next eight . What will be the expression for circuit ? ( ans :- A)

3. What is octal representation of 01010101 ? ( ans. 125 )

4. D flip-flop with inverted feedback was given and question was based on maximum frequency allowed ( setup , hold etc. times were given )

5. What happens when HALT instruction is executed? ( Enter wait state and waits for interrupt or reset , Enters in to sleep state , etc. ( ans. Waits for interrupt or reset )

6. What happens when PUSH instruction is executed : ( content of accumulator is saved, content of PC is changed , stack pointer is decremented and value value is saved )

7. Two bulbs of 40 Watt and 60 Watts were added in series . What will happen ? ( 40 watt will be brighter , 60 watts will be brighter , both will have same brightness , none ) ( Ans. 40 watt)

8. If widths of all PMOS an NMOS are doubled in any circuit then what will be effect on noise margin ? ( ans. No effect)

9. If gate and one end of NMOS are connected to Vdd , what will be the output at second end of NMOS ? ( Vdd- Vth – NMOS are bad 1 ‘s)

10. a band limited signal is sampled at Nyquist rate , to reconstruct it the output will be given to : ( RC filter , Envelope detector , LPF with -- )

11. Totally there are 12 pipes. Some pipes fill the tank and some empties the tank (data will be given). If all the pipes are opened simultaneously when will the tank be filled?

12. Which is greater 2^300 or 3^200?

13. Average age of 24 students is 36. When the age of teacher is added the average age is increased by 1 year. What is the age of the teacher?

14. Water and milk are mixed in the ratio 2:1,5:3 and 9:4.when all the mixtures of equal volume are mixed together what is the ratio water and milk in the resulting solution.

15. Average rate of five orange and four apples is 12 and 7 orange and 8 apples are 86. Find the total rate of 24 orange and 24 apples.

16. In how many ways the letters in the word MANAGEMENT can be arranged such that A’s does not come together.

17. A give B a start of 20 sec and leads by 20m. When he starts off 25 sec he finishes at the same time. What is the speed of A. (wordings not sure).

18. An array of integer is given. Write a pseudo code to find the sub array with the largest sum.

19. A string is given. Write an algorithm to implement the backspace from the end of the string. The string contains 1 byte and 2-byte character. For 1 byte char first bit is 0 and for 2 byte char first bit is 1.

20. What is expression for Noise figure ?

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