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Friday, 6 January 2012

Honeywell Placement Paper March 2011

Honeywell Placement Paper March 2011:-

1. Which one is correct order of sorting techniques with respect to space complexity.

2. merge sorts, Bubble sort, Heap sort b. Quick sort, Heap sort, Insertion sort?

3. If timing requirement is the main issue, which system will you prefer

a. Hard real time system, b. Soft real time system, c. Mission critical syste,

4. Bankers algorithm is used for

a. Deadlock Preventions b. Deadlock avoidance c. deadlock detection?..

5. One expression was given and we was to find postfix notation for that.

6. For a given union, what is the memory space allocated for its variables.
7. In a class, 6 students can speak gujarati, 15 can speak Hindi and 6 can speak Marathi. If two students can speak two languages and one student can speak all the three languages, then how many students are there in the class?

1) 21
(3) 23
(4) 24

8. If 'A' runs faster than ‘E’ but not as fast as 'D' and 'D' runs faster than 'C' but not as fast as' ‘B’, then the person who runs the fastest is
1) A
(2) B
(3) C

9. A person is to go up a tree 60ft high. In every second, he climbs 5ft but slips 4ft. After how many seconds, will he be able to touch the top of the tree?
(1) 60
(2) 59
(3) 56
(4) 58

10.enum day { saturday,
value of saturday,tuesday.

11. enum day {
int x=monday;
value of x?

12. In a certain code language,

i')Guda buka' means 'Clear water'
ii')Pin gola' means 'Overcast sky'
iii)'Pin saf buka' means 'Clear blue sky'
Which word in that code language means 'Blue'?
(1) Pin
(2) Buka
(3) Saf
(4) Guda

13 . I was born on August 11. Mohan is younger to me by 11 days. This year Independence Day falls on Monday. The day on which Mohan's birthday will fall this year will be

(1) Monday
(2) Tuesday
(3) Sunday
(4) Thursday

14. The flowers in a basket become double after every minute. In one hour, the basket becomes full. After how many minutes, the basket would be half-filled?

1) 30
(2) 45
(3) 59
(4) 58

15. Which of the following will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following letter series?

1) JPL
(2) KPL
(3) JOL
(4) None of these

16. If '+' means '*', '-' means '/' , '/' means '+' and '*' means '-' , then what will the value of 20/ 40 – 4 * 5 +6 ?

1) 60
(2) 1.67
(3) 150

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