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Thursday 2 February 2012


Written Test
Non-Technical Interview (interviewer is a HR )
Written test consist of two sections(70 Questions and 75 min),
Analytical & Logical Reasoning.(30Questions and 40 min).
Verbal Ability (40Questions and 35 min)
Time Management is more essential and be cautious while attending the problems........
Analytical & Logical Reasoning.(30q and 40 min).
1) Figure completion (5M)-Practice from R.S.Agarwal(RSA) Non-verbal reasoning book enough
2) Puzzle-I (5M)- RSA verbal resoning book.
3) Data sufficiency (5M) - CAT material
4) Data Interpretation (5M) - RSA quantitative Aptitude
5) Puzzle-II (5M)- RSA verbal resoning book.
6) Ordering three sentences sequentially according to the context. (5M)- CAT material.
Verbal Ability (40q and 35 min)
1) Correcting the sentences (8M)-RSA Objective English BOOK enough.
2) Sentence completion (8M)- RSA Objective English BOOK enough.
3) Fill ups related to articles,tenses,idioms and phrases.(6M)- RSA Objective English BOOK enough.
4)Theme Detection- (8M)- RSA verbal resoning book.
5) Long paragraph- 2no's(10M)- RSA Objective English BOOK enough.(Time consuming part)

  1. Infosys placement paper 1
  2. Infosys placement paper 2
  3. Infosys placement paper 3
  4. Infosys placement paper 4
  5. Infosys placement paper 5
  6. Infosys placement paper 6
  7. Infosys placement paper 7
  8. Infosys placement paper 8
  9. Infosys placement paper 9

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