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Monday, 6 February 2012

Latest HCL Placement Paper 2012

HCL Placement Paper 2012 :-

Directions (1-7): Study the following arrangement and answer the questions given below:

R 4 T M 7 W % J 9 5 I # 1 P B 2 T A 3 D $ 6 E N F 8 U H @

1.) How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a number and not immediately followed by a consonant?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) Four

2.) What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement?
TM% 951 B23 ?
1) $EF
2) $6F
3) D$N
4) $E8
5) None of these

3.) How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is neither preceded by a number nor followed by a consonants?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) More than three

4.) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so from a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) 5J1
2) 7TJ
3) 8N@
4) 32$
5) 6DF

5.) Which of the following is sixth to the right of the fourteenth from the right end?
1) 5
2) 6
3) I
4) $
5) None of these

 6.) How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately followed by a symbol but not immediately preceded by another consonant?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) None of these

7.) Which of the following is the eighth to the left of the sixteenth from the left end?
1) J
2) E
3) %
4) 6
5) None of these

Thursday, 2 February 2012


Written Test
Non-Technical Interview (interviewer is a HR )
Written test consist of two sections(70 Questions and 75 min),
Analytical & Logical Reasoning.(30Questions and 40 min).
Verbal Ability (40Questions and 35 min)
Time Management is more essential and be cautious while attending the problems........
Analytical & Logical Reasoning.(30q and 40 min).
1) Figure completion (5M)-Practice from R.S.Agarwal(RSA) Non-verbal reasoning book enough
2) Puzzle-I (5M)- RSA verbal resoning book.
3) Data sufficiency (5M) - CAT material
4) Data Interpretation (5M) - RSA quantitative Aptitude
5) Puzzle-II (5M)- RSA verbal resoning book.
6) Ordering three sentences sequentially according to the context. (5M)- CAT material.
Verbal Ability (40q and 35 min)
1) Correcting the sentences (8M)-RSA Objective English BOOK enough.
2) Sentence completion (8M)- RSA Objective English BOOK enough.
3) Fill ups related to articles,tenses,idioms and phrases.(6M)- RSA Objective English BOOK enough.
4)Theme Detection- (8M)- RSA verbal resoning book.
5) Long paragraph- 2no's(10M)- RSA Objective English BOOK enough.(Time consuming part)

  1. Infosys placement paper 1
  2. Infosys placement paper 2
  3. Infosys placement paper 3
  4. Infosys placement paper 4
  5. Infosys placement paper 5
  6. Infosys placement paper 6
  7. Infosys placement paper 7
  8. Infosys placement paper 8
  9. Infosys placement paper 9